Mt Eden Club News
June 2021
The Rotary Foundation is our charity of choice – we donate to it and it, in turn, supports our charitable endeavours in seven key areas of focus which are: Peace and conflict prevention, Disease prevention and treatment, Water and sanitation, Maternal and child health, Basic education and literacy, Economic and community development and the Environment.
While our main fundraiser for the Rotary Foundation was not able to be held due to COVID19, club members together contributed $1,230 towards the Foundation this year, which was a great effort.
In the Apr-Jun quarter, we dropped off another twenty boxes of books and puzzles to the Mt Eden Corrections Facility, taking us to 83 boxes for the year. Many thanks to everyone who has contributed. Your donations are much appreciated!

June 2021
Mt Eden Rotary Panel on Mental Health at District 9920 Conference. Our warm congratulations and a big thank you to:
club president Gerry Henderson (panel organiser and Consultant)
club member Dr. Ursula Rajkumar (panel facilitator and Clinical Psychologist)
club member Dr. Aritra Ray (panel member, Consultant Geriatrician and Medical Tutor)
Dr. Frederick Sundram (panel member, Associate Professor and Consultant Liaison Psychiatrist) and
Dr. Ainsleigh Cribb-Su'a (panel member, Clinical Psychologist and Hauora Hinengaro Lead)
The panel's discussion on the mental health of New Zealanders during and post-lockdown(s) highlighted the psychological toll of COVID19 and our country's elimination strategy - increased symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress - due to life disruption, uncertainty, fear of illness, or fear of negative economic effects.
There is a huge need for mental health services in New Zealand as well as a need to make these services more accessible. COVID19 has highlighted the needs as well as the inequities that exist.
Some silver linings from COVID19. People are reassessing their priorities in life, going back to the basics and valuing their connections. COVID19 has forced mental health practitioners to go online and those seeking mental health services now have the option as to how they want them delivered (in person, online or via phone). But still lots of room for change - Dr. Cribb-Su'a suggested need for disruptive and collaborative change in the way mental health services are provided; Dr. Sundram briefly referred to the use of AI.

June 2021
Our warm congratulations to Nickola Horrocks (supporting District Governor Craig Horrocks) and Ursula Bach (Learning Facilitators Chair) who received Paul Harris Fellow awards from Rotary District 9920 in recognition of their outstanding service to district this Rotary year.

May 2021
We were delighted to organise our second free multi-cultural Wellbeing Day Out community event on Saturday 22 May 2021 at the Mount Eden Village Centre, 449 Mount Eden Road (last year's proposed event was cancelled due to COVID19).
We took a broad approach to the definition of wellbeing - encompassing health, wellness, the environment and sustainability.
The Wellbeing Day Out stalls were open to the general public from 10am-2pm to browse - and to check out the information and advice and services and connections on offer. No ticket was required to browse the stalls.
Wellbeing Day Out also featured a number of free activities and free workshops. Tickets were required for the activities and workshops - the free tickets were available via eventbrite.
The activities were Zumba, Hatha Yoga, Self Defence, Tai Chi and Poi for Your Health.
The workshops were Rongoā Māori, Ayurveda, Be Waterwise, Ways to Reduce Waste, Getting a Good Night's Sleep and Mindfulness.
The stalls were Age Concern Auckland, Allergy New Zealand, Auckland Council Waste Solutions, Chinese Conservation Education Trust, Eden Village - Oceania Healthcare, Elias Wellness Center, HELP Auckland, Maungawhau Ecological Halo, Mount Eden Village People, Rotaract, Rotary, St John Youth and Volunteering Auckland.
Many thanks to our major sponsor - the Albert-Eden Local Board - through the Albert-Eden Neighbourhood Arts programme. We are also grateful to Eden Village - Oceania Healthcare and Chapter Book & Tea Shop for their sponsorship.
Many thanks also to the Mt Eden Village Centre, our activity/
workshop presenters and stallholders, and our hardworking volunteers from Mt Eden Rotary and the Rotaract Club of Auckland City. You were all fantastic!
For more information, please visit wellbeingdayout.com.
To view our photo gallery, please visit wellbeingdayout.com/2021gallery.
March 2021
Several Mt Eden Rotary club members assisted with the Red Cross Appeal. Many thanks to Charles Dolbel (pictured), Ainslie Campbell and Gerry Henderson.

January - March 2021
Building on the relationship that Mt Eden Rotary has established with the Mt Eden Corrections Facility's Librarian (Zoe Cornelius) and its Volunteer Coordinator (Ghissy Lee), Mt Eden Rotary began a Book, Jigsaw Puzzle and Magazine Drive for the MECF in January 2021.
Donations are dropped off to either Chapter Book and Tea Shop or to K.C. Loo Fruit Centre in Mt Eden Village. Pickups are also possible.
In the Jan-Mar quarter, 63 boxes and bags of books, jigsaw puzzles and magazines were collected. These are being used for educational purposes and to help keep restless minds busy.
A big thank you to everyone who has donated books, puzzles and magazines to us for the Mt Eden Corrections Facility. Thank you so much for your generosity. We have been thrilled with the donations that we have received.
We will maintain the Drive for the foreseeable future. So if you are reorganising or downsizing, Mt Eden Rotary would love to have paperbacks , magazines and jigsaw puzzles that are suitable for the Mt Eden Corrections Facility.

December 2020
Many thanks to the people who, when COVID19 Alert Level conditions allowed, came to speak to the club during the Oct-Dec 2020 quarter, namely Luke Barley on 15 Dec (Outward Bound Experience), Delight Szedro on 24 Nov (A Sustainable Future - Reducing Our Carbon Footprint), Fiona Johnston on 10 Nov (Getting a Good Night's Sleep) and Olly Newland on 13 Oct (Will the Bubble Burst - Words from the Wise).
November 2020
Mt Eden Rotary was delighted to help host Nalini Singh for the ARCHANGEL’S SUN book launch and author signing event (together with Epsom Library, Hachette NZ and the Chapter Book & Tea Shop) on Sunday 29 November. Nalini is New Zealand's very own, multiple award-winning author, who has sold more than 7 million books worldwide.
Despite it being a very busy time of the year, it was a great event. The audience was very engaged and asked lots of insightful questions.
We raised $609 from book sales and donations for our literacy programmes.

November 2020
Mt Eden Rotary held a GOODBYE PORK PIE movie night screening on Sun 15 November to END POLIO NOW. Ticket sales, donations and raffles raised $904. Many thanks to everyone who attended and to the Chapter Book & Tea Shop, Digital Darkroom and Flour & Sweet for generously donating prizes. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will provide a 2:1 match towards the funds we have raised for Polio.
Mt Eden Rotary was delighted to donate 80 copies of the New Zealand Road Code and 65 Māori language books (“Raupo Pocket Dictionary of Modern Maori” by P.M. Ryan, “Maori Made Easy by Scotty Morrison”, and “A Maori Word a Day” by Hemi Kelly) to the Mt Eden Corrections Facility (MECF) which was represented by Zoe Cornelius – Librarian and Ghissy Lee – Regional Volunteer Coordinator.
Education and literacy are key Rotary goals.
The Road Codes are used by those wishing to study towards their learners licence and are valuable as many people in MECF’s care may have driving disqualifications or have never sat for their licence. Once they obtain a licence, it is easier for them to secure employment upon release.
The Māori language books fit the volunteers’ focus through the Corrections Strategy (Hokai Rangi) which sees a focus on Māori and Pasefika offenders going forward – due to the percentage that they make up within the prison population.
The funds to purchase the road codes and Māori language books that Mt Eden Rotary donated were raised via a Nalini Singh book launch and signing event for ARCHANGEL’S WAR on 24 Sep 2019 and a Helen Laurenson book talk and signing event for The HISTORY OF MOUNT EDEN on 22 Oct 2019 which were both held at the Epsom Community Library. We also had the support of matching grants from the Rotary Foundation (Rotary District 9920) and from the K.C. Loo Fruit Centre fundraising stall.

November 2020
On 4 November, we were thrilled to present Interact badges to the Epsom Girls Grammar School (EGGS) Interact Club President Hannah Bautista and Vice-President Zoya Azam and Treasurer Anna Millar (although Anna was not able to be present).
Also present, Julie Waddell (EGGS Teacher-In-Charge of the Interact Club), Elbert Angkiriwang (Youth Director - Rotary Club of Auckland - the sponsor club for the EGGS Interact Club), Ainslie Campbell (Rotary District 9920 Interact Chair) and Frances Loo (Rotary Club of Mt Eden - the liaison club for the EGGS Interact Club).
Many thanks to Hannah, Zoya, Anna and the rest of the EGGS Interactors for your resilience and contribution this year and also to Julie for your guidance and support.

October 2020
Mt Eden Rotary was thrilled to help End Polio Now with a donation of $1,200 which, together with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's generous 2:1 matching grant, resulted in an effective donation of $3,600.
Mt Eden Rotarian Ainslie Campbell (pictured below) participated in the Rotary All Trains event on Fri 23 October, and raised around $520 in sponsorship for Polio.
Mt Eden Rotary and several club members made a contribution towards Luke Barley attending the Outward Bounds Classic course in November.

October 2020
Many thanks to the Mt Eden Rotary members and friends (Ainslie Campbell, Charles Dolbel, Fiona Johnston, Ian Denning and Penny Jorgensen) who made time on Saturday 10 Oct or Thursday 15 Oct to help pack Emergency Response Kits (ERKs) in preparation for the next emergency.
The ERKs are a ‘first response’ resource distributed by Rotary to affected families in the Pacific Islands immediately following catastrophic weather and environmental events to support them through the first days after a disaster. With a kit and a little ingenuity, a family can construct basic shelter, keep themselves protected from the elements and utilise the immediate survival items that are included. The project has been encouraged by the New Zealand Government who over many years has often provided transportation, logistical and financial support.

July 2020
What a challenging year our Epsom Girls Grammar School (EGGS) Interact Club experienced! And yet, despite the nationwide lockdown and the Auckland lockdown, the EGGS Interact Club worked quickly with the Auckland Grammar School (AGS) Interact Club to hold a Trivia Night Fundraiser on 31 July to raise valuable funds for BeyondWater Global.
BeyondWater is a not-for-profit organisation bringing clean, safe drinking water and sanitation solutions (including The Girl Project) to communities in East African countries.
Around 180 people attended the Trivia Night which was held at the EGGS School Hall and raised $2,185.
Mt Eden Rotary serves as the Rotary Liaison Club for the EGGS Interact Club.

July 2020
July is the start of the new Rotary year and new Rotary theme - ROTARY OPENS OPPORTUNITIES. Members of Mt Eden Rotary were delighted to attend District 9920's Changeover to welcome the new District Governor Craig Horrocks and his wife Nickola Horrocks (Mt Eden Rotarian and also RI Action Groups Chair). Have a wonderful year!
We also acknowledge the important contributions to Rotary District 9920 being made by our club members Ursula Bach (Learning Facilitators Chair) and Ainslie Campbell (Interact Chair).

June 2020
Our Changeover Dinner was held on Tues 30 June at Pasta & Cuore. Our special thanks to District Governor Elect Craig Horrocks (who became our District Governor a few hours later), Mumtaz Dolbel (thank you very much for coming along to support Charles) and Fiona Johnston (it was great to see you again). We were delighted to see Nickola Horrocks looking so well and we were also very happy to see Ursula Bach (thanks Adi for looking after Viggo). We received apologies from Greg Chaplin and Ian Denning.
It was a special night. Not only did we have Ainslie Campbell handing over the Presidency to Gerry Henderson as we saw in the new Rotary year and theme; but we also inducted Charles Dolbel as a new member of the club. Charles has been visiting the club since he attended Professor Ralph Cooney’s public talk in February. We are delighted to welcome you to the club Charles – with your energy, creativity, business experience and organisational skills, you will be a great asset to the club.
Craig Horrocks acknowledged the contribution made to District 9920 in its Learning Facilitation by Ursula; and we were delighted to hear that Ainslie will serve as District 9920 Interact Clubs Chair.
The Rotary Foundation is our charity of choice – we donate to it and it, in turn, supports our charitable endeavours in six key areas of focus (soon to be seven) which are: Peace and conflict prevention, Disease prevention and treatment, Water and sanitation, Maternal and child health, Basic education and literacy and Economic and community development. The seventh area of focus will be the Environment. While our main fundraiser for the Rotary Foundation was postponed due to COVID19, club members together contributed $1,310 towards the Foundation this year, which was a great effort.

December 2019
Mt Eden Rotary held a TWO POPES movie night screening on Thurs 12 December to END POLIO NOW. Ticket sales, donations and raffles raised $824. When combined with member contributions and donations received at the Rotary All Trains event in November, we raised around $1,300 for Polio. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will provide a 2:1 match towards the funds we have raised for Polio resulting in total funds raised of around $3,900!
November 2019
In absolutely fantastic news, Gow Langsford Gallery has announced that the Art Auction in Support of Māpura Studios held at Giltrap Audi (150 Great North Rd) on 21 November 2019 raised over $100,000.
Our warm congratulations go to everyone involved, including the Rotary Club of Epsom (especially Craig Jones) who worked very hard together with Gow Langsford Gallery to make this event come to fruition.
Thanks so much to the artists for donating their works (which can be seen at https://www.gowlangsfordgallery.co.nz/media/676672/mapura-charity-auction-catalogue-2019.pdf or by double-clicking on the poster below) and to those who supported the cause by purchasing artworks and tickets.
Thanks very much also to Art+Object auctioneer Ben Plumbly, BlueStar Printing, Brian Barnett, Eden Catering, Empire Electrical, Iain Cheeseman, John Gow, Peek Exhibition and Pene Hemus.
For its part, Mt Eden Rotary was delighted to both assist at the event and help with its promotion and we acknowledge the efforts on the night of club members/friends Ainslie Campbell, Frances Loo, Gillian Anderson and Ian Denning.
Well done everyone and thanks very much!

Mt Eden Rotary was delighted to donate 100 copies of the Usborne Illustrated English Dictionary to the Mt Eden Corrections Facility on Tuesday 12 November.
The dictionaries will be used by Zoe Cornelius (Librarian) and Ghissy Lee (Regional Volunteer Coordinator) to assist their literacy programmes.
This donation was made possible by the OCEAN LIGHT book launch event held last year and we thank Nalini Singh, her fans who attended the event, Hachette NZ, Epsom Community Library, Chapter Book & Tea Shop and the June Gray Charitable Trust for their support.

Look who Mt Eden Rotary met at the Mt Eden Train Station - our very own local MP! On Friday 1 November, a number of Rotarians rode the Auckland train system to Tag On and Tag Polio Off. This was an opportunity for Rotarians in Auckland to raise awareness and funds for the End Polio programme. We are very grateful for the support of Rotary's guest riders, including Hon Simon Bridges (Leader National Party and MP Tauranga), David Seymour (Leader of Act NZ and MP Epsom) and Lucy Brock (Miss World New Zealand 2019). Thanks very much. #tagpoliooff.

October 2019
Mt Eden Rotary and Epsom Rotary donated $3,250 to the team from Hearts4Kids for their surgical trip for children in Fiji in mid November.
Mt Eden Rotary made a donation to the Middlemore Foundation.

Many thanks to Helen Laurenson for agreeing to do a HISTORY OF MOUNT EDEN book talk and signing event with Mt Eden Rotary - as part of the Auckland Heritage Festival! Many thanks also to the Epsom Library (host) and Chapter Book and Tea Shop staff (supper). It was a good night on Tuesday 22 October with around 38 attendees (excluding helpers) – which is a great outcome – considering the dismal weather, dramatic and historic events in the city (SkyCity Convention Centre fire) and competing local events (including a public meeting at the Mt Eden Village Centre). Book sales and donations resulted in funds raised of around $329 (after GST) to put towards Rotary literacy projects. A number of the attendees remarked very positively on the event. All in all, a good night!

September 2019
Mt Eden Rotary was delighted to help host Nalini Singh for the ARCHANGEL’S WAR book launch and author signing event (together with Epsom Library, Hachette NZ and the Chapter Book & Tea Shop) on Tuesday 24 September. Nalini is New Zealand's very own, multiple award-winning author, who has sold more than 7 million books worldwide.
Around 80 dedicated fans arrived on a cold and rainy night to celebrate the launch of the twelfth book in the darkly passionate Guild Hunter series. Nalini spoke to the crowd about her process and her characters, and about how it all began when she was a student at Mount Roskill Grammar. The queue for the book signing took an hour to work through! It was an exciting night for many, some of whom had travelled from out-of-town to the event.
We raised $604 from book sales and donations for our literacy programmes.

Mt Eden Rotary and Epsom Rotary jointly held a DOWNTON ABBEY premiere screening on Thurs 12 September to raise funds for the Hearts4Kids surgical trip to Fiji in November. We raised around $1,750.
Epsom Rotary and Mt Eden Rotary organised a "Meet Two Auckland Mayoral Candidates" evening on Tues 3 September which was very well-attended considering the wet weather on the night. The 120+ chairs were just about all used for the fiery debate.
July 2019
Mt Eden Rotary made a donation to Help Auckland (Support for Sexual Abuse Survivors).
June 2019
Mt Eden Rotary donated $2,000 to the Rotary Foundation, with the funds mostly raised from the ROCKETMAN Movie Night Fundraiser.
Mt Eden Rotary donated $2,000 to Allergy New Zealand, with the funds being raised by the club's Quiz Night Fundraiser.
Mt Eden Rotary donated $1,310 to PolioPlus (to End Polio Now), with the funds mostly raised from the A STAR IS BORN Movie Night Fundraiser.
Mt Eden Rotary made a contribution towards Laura Mooney attending the UN Youth Australian National Conference (Topic – The Age of Information) in Melbourne followed by cultural exchange in Vanuatu in July.
May 2019
Mt Eden Rotary and Epsom Rotary jointly held a ROCKETMAN Movie Night Fundraiser on Thurs 30 May to raise funds for the Rotary Foundation. We raised around $1,660.

May 2019
Mt Eden Rotary held its inaugural free WELLBEING DAY OUT on Sat 4 May from 9am to 4pm at the Mt Eden Village Centre. The event hosted seven workshops: Zumba, Hatha Yoga, Meditation, Mindfulness, Food allergy, Self defence and a further Hatha Yoga workshop. Concurrently, the event hosted information stalls and displays from a number of organisations including Allergy NZ, Asthma NZ, Fire and Emergency NZ, For the Love of Bees Community Garden, Get-Outside, Heart Foundation, Home and Family Counselling, Mapura Studios, Mt Eden Yoga, NZ College of Chiropractic, Rotaract Club of Auckland City, Rotary Club of Mt Eden, Volunteering Auckland and White Ribbon. A number of activities were available from the stalls including free virtual reality “Escape My House” experiences, free spinal checks, free blood pressure checks, free lungs checks (via peak flow meter test) and quizzes for adult and child attendees (with the quizzes designed to encourage attendees to visit the stalls).
We are extremely grateful for the Albert-Eden Local Board’s support for and funding of the event.
We are also very grateful to the organisations, workshop presenters, Mt Eden Rotary club members, Rotaract Club of Auckland City members and other District 9920 individuals who helped on the day (including District Governor Ingrid Waugh, District Governor Nominee Craig Horrocks, Rotaract Representative Mehak Janjua, Assistant Governor Gill Johnston, Shefali Mehta and Ainie Kwok), as well as the businesses, organisations (including the Pakuranga Rotary Club) and the individuals who donated goods to make the event as cost-effective as possible. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH !!!

March 2019
Mt Eden Rotary held a Quiz Night on Sat 23 Mar as a fundraiser for Allergy New Zealand. We raised $2,000 through a combination of ticket sales, raffles, auctions and a donation. Many thanks to everyone who helped making the event a success - including attendees and sponsors.

February 2019
Nickola Horrocks and Ainslie Campbell (pictured with the Rotary sign) attended a celebration held at the For the Love of Bees Organic Market Garden – to celebrate the significant achievements made at the site.
Spot the new garden storage shed at the site funded by Mt Eden Rotary!
Mt Eden Rotary is very grateful for the support provided by Bunnings Warehouse Grey Lynn and the Rotary Foundation which helped us to achieve our garden storage shed project fundraising goal of $1,800.
January 2019
We were delighted to have Andre Munro Wilson visit us and talk to us about the year he spent in France (via the Rotary International Youth Exchange) and the personal growth he achieved on his exchange.
December 2018
Mt Eden Rotary made donations to the Auckland City Mission and also to Home and Family Counselling.

November 2018
Mt Eden Rotary held a Baked Goods Stall and raised $702.70 towards a storage shed for the “For the Love of Bees” project to transform the Symonds Street Junction Community Garden (at 257 Symonds Street, Eden Terrace) into an inner city Organic Market Garden and Community Teaching Hub: www.fortheloveofbees.co.nz/omg
The group really needs a shed to keep their gardening tools – as a number of them walk or cycle to the site.
October 2018
Mt Eden Rotary hosted a NETWORKING WITH YOUR COMMUNITY event. Many thanks to Rotary Oceania Zone Operations (ROZOPs) for providing the funding for this event.
Mt Eden Rotary and Epsom Rotary jointly presented an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) to Scott Johnston, CEO of The Hearing House (251 Campbell Rd www.hearinghouse.co.nz). Many thanks to the June Gray Charitable Trust (for its matching grant) which helpedmake this presentation possible.
Scott Johnston (CEO of The Hearing House) recognised as a Paul Harris Fellow.
Mt Eden Rotary held an A STAR IS BORN Movie Night Fundraiser on Thursday 18 October to raise funds for End Polio Now and other Rotary programmes. We raised $1,450 (incl GST) or $1,260 (excl GST).
Mt Eden Rotary made a contribution towards Ruby Lawrence attending the Outward Bounds Mind Body Soul course in December.
August 2018
Mt Eden Rotary joined Epsom Rotary at the Dolphin Theatre comedy BASKERVILLE.

July 2018
Mt Eden Rotary issued a Press Release on 4 July: Mt Eden Rotary Asks You to #SayYes to LifePod Appeal at Eden Park.
Mt Eden Rotary served as the liasing Rotary club for Saif Fawzi who attended the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) development programme in 2018.
Our Changeover & Dinner was held on Tuesday 3 July. It was a great evening – to reflect on what we achieved last year and look ahead to the current year. Thanks very much to our Immediate Past President Tracey Green, our new President Aritra Ray and to everyone who contributes to the club's efforts. Our very warm congratulations to Greg Chaplin who was recognised with a Paul Harris Fellow Award as a Benefactor to the Rotary Foundation.

June 2018
Mt Eden Rotary donated $1,600 to the Rotary Foundation.
Mt Eden Rotary helped host the Nalini Singh bestselling author OCEAN LIGHT book launch/author talk/signing session (together with Epsom Library, Epsom Rotary, Hachette NZ and the Chapter Book & Tea Shop) on Tues 12 June. We raised $551.70 from book sales and donations for our literacy programmes, ie, buying illustrated dictionaries for schools and prisons.
Mt Eden held an OCEAN'S 8 Movie Night Fundraiser on Sun 10 June to raise funds for the Rotary Foundation. We raised around $941.
At the end of the Rotary year, we were sad to farewell Sarah Kedgley, Heike Papenthin and Jan Wills as active members (for relocation or health reasons) but we expect them to remain good "Friends of the Club". Thank you so much for your contributions.

May 2018
Mt Eden Rotary made a contribution towards Charles Morton attending the Outward Bounds Leaps and Bounds course in October.
Mt Eden Rotary and Epsom Rotary members (and partners and friends) supported Māpura Studios Charity Art Auction on Saturday 12 May at the Pah Homestead, TSB Bank Wallace Arts Centre. The two Rotary clubs provided catering and volunteering support.
April 2018
Mt Eden Rotary donated $1,260 to PolioPlus (to End Polio Now); being the nett proceeds from the MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS movie night fundraiser held in November 2017.
March 2018
Mt Eden Rotary hosted a Rotary-Rotaract Networking Night for District 9920 (Auckland Region).
December 2018
Mt Eden Rotary made a donation to the Immerse foster care agency.
November 2017
Mt Eden Rotary presented an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) to Sam Bremer, General Manager of De Post Belgian Beer Cafe, Mt Eden (466 Mt Eden Rd www.depost.co.nz) whose location and late hours make it an ideal recipient. Many thanks to Leon Hattori (for his fundraising jazz concert) and the Chenery Memorial Trust (for its matching grant) which, together, made this presentation possible.
Mt Eden Rotary held a Quiz Night on Sat 25 Nov as a fundraiser for Rotary District 9920's Diabetes Education Resources project. We raised around $2,200 through a combination of ticket sales, raffles, auctions and a grant from the Rotary Foundation. Many thanks to everyone who helped making the event a success - including attendees and sponsors.
Mt Eden Rotary and Epsom Rotary jointly held a MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS Movie Night Fundraiser on Wed 8 Nov to raise funds for End Polio Now and other Rotary programmes.

October 2017
We inducted Ainslie Campbell as a new member.
Mt Eden Rotary made a donation to the Breast Cancer Foundation.
Epsom Rotary and Mt Eden Rotary helped to host Helene Wong's author talk & signing session at the Epsom Library on Tues 24 Oct. The event was well-attended and well-received.
September 2017
Epsom Rotary and Mt Eden Rotary organised a "Meet the Candidates" evening which was a great success, with around 150 people in attendance. Many thanks to the candidates. Many thanks to those club members who helped. And many thanks to the Epsom Rotary Club, who hosted us that night – and worked hard to ensure the evening went well – in terms of set-up, sound system, convening, ushering and providing a delicious supper! As well as being a positive advertisement for Rotary, $214 was raised for community causes. So an all-round great evening!

August 2017
Mt Eden Rotary presented an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) to Wendy Hoskin, acting CEO of Presbyterian Support Northern. Many thanks to Leon Hattori (for his fundraising jazz concert) and the Chenery Memorial Trust (for its matching grant) which, together, made this presentation possible.

August 2017
Mt Eden Rotary held the WOaH Trio Jazz Concert event (on Sat 5 Aug) at St Barnabas Church as a fundraiser for End Polio Now and local Rotary Youth Programmes. We raised > $1,100 thanks to the very talented trio of Leon Hattori, Denholm Orr and Daniel Waterson.
Mt Eden Rotary agreed to sponsor outbound student Andre Munro-Wilson to France in 2018.

July 2017
Our Changeover & 20th Anniversary Dinner was held on Tuesday 25 July.
Mt Eden Rotary purchased 50 dictionaries for the Howard League. Mt Eden Rotary also purchased 100 dictionaries for the Wiri prison (with support from the June Gray Charitable Trust).

June 2017
Mt Eden Rotary donated $1,700 to Rotary Foundation and $348 to PolioPlus (to End Polio Now).
We held a special meeting on 6/6 (ahead of the Auckland Blues vs British & Irish Lions Game) which included a rugby quiz session and quickfire raffle to raise funds for PolioPlus.
May 2017
Mt Eden Rotary and Epsom Rotary members (and partners and friends) supported Māpura Studios Charity Art Auction on Monday 22 May at the Pah Homestead, TSB Bank Wallace Arts Centre. Please view the e-catalogue by clicking on the cover image.
May 2017
At our meeting on 9 May 2017, Ian Denning brought along the Automated External Defibrillator (AED) that the club has purchased. We also applied to the Chenery Memorial Trust for a matching grant to purchase another AED. Thanks very much to Ian (pictured) for his work in organising the AED; many thanks also to Heike Papenthin (also pictured) who made our Live Jazz fundraising event possible – with her son Leon Hattori providing the wonderful jazz performance.

May 2017
At a combined meeting, Mt Eden Rotary and Epsom Rotary were delighted to present a cheque for $4,872 to Ana Kennedy and Christine Orchard representing Hearts4Kids. The Hearts4Kids volunteer team will travel to Lautoka again in September to perform life life-saving congenital heart surgery on babies and children. Many thanks to everyone who attended last year's JASON BOURNE movie night fundraiser; many thanks also to Rotary District 9920 for providing a matching grant.

April 2017
At a combined meeting, Epsom Rotary and Mt Eden Rotary were delighted to learn that last year’s Charity Art Auction (which the two Rotary clubs supported) raised $14,393 for Māpura Studio’s stroke art therapy programme research.

March 2017
We inducted Aritra Ray as a new member.
The Club held a LIVE JAZZ with LEON HATTORI event (on Sat 11 Mar) at the Danish House as a fundraiser, primarily for District 9920's Heart Saver Project to get more automated external defibrillators (AEDs) out in to the community.

February 2017
The Club participated in District 9920's Pop Up Playground (on Sun 19 Feb) and a combined club quiz night (on Tues 21 Feb) hosted by Epsom Rotary.
December 2016
The Club (with the support of the June Gray Charitable Trust) presented 32 dictionaries to May Road School and 89 to Three Kings Primary School. The dictionaries were presented to Year 4 students who were delighted to receive them – as an end-of-year reward and as some holiday entertainment and learning.

November 2016
A working bee to pack Emergency Response Kits. We packed 115 in our 2-hour shift. Many thanks to the volunteers who helped us (from the Rotaract Club of Auckland City and also some who responded to our Facebook and MeetUp posts).

September 2016
A working bee (in a joint initiative with Epsom Rotary) after the Orchid + Flower Show. The two clubs took down the hundreds of orchid stems displayed at the show's entrance and distributed them to local rest homes.
August 2016
Mt Eden Rotary and Epsom Rotary jointly held a Movie Night Fundraiser (JASON BOURNE); nett proceeds of $2436 were raised for Hearts4Kids.
July 2016
We inducted Michelle Etherton as a new member.
June 2016
We inducted Heike Papenthin as a new member.
Mt Eden Rotary donated $1,152 to Rotary Foundation and $270 to PolioPlus (to End Polio Now).
May 2016
On 3 May, the Club held its final meeting at the Normanby Hotel.
Mt Eden Rotary and Epsom Rotary combined forces to hold a Charity Art Auction in support of Māpura Studios Stroke Art Therapy Programme.

March 2016
The Club held a private pre-release screening of HAIL, CAESAR! as a Movie Night Fundraiser for PolioPlus and Rotary Foundation. Many thanks to Epsom Rotary who supported us with ticket sales.
February 2016
The Club (with the support of the Rotary Foundation and the Epsom Rotary) donated $3000 to the Māpura Studios Stroke Art Therapy Programme.
December 2015
The Club sponsored Matt Milner to attend Outward Bound.
The Club sponsored Dean Price to the Commonwealth Powerlifting Championships in Vancouver, Canada.
November 2015
The Club held a private screening of SPECTRE as a Movie Night Fundraiser for the Māpura Studios Stroke Art Therapy Programme. Many thanks to Epsom Rotary who supported us with ticket sales.
September 2015
The Club (with the support of the June Gray Charitable Trust) presented 95 dictionaries to the Year 4 students at May Road School.
Club member Penny Jorgensen recognised as a Paul Harris Fellow.
August 2015
The Club participated in a Movie Night Fundraiser (MAN UP) with Epsom Rotary and donated $1725 to Hearts4Kids.
July 2015
Club member Frances Loo recognised as a Paul Harris Fellow.
Gerald Waters (Researching Impaired Driving in New Zealand - RIDNZ) recognised as a Paul Harris Fellow.
The Club sponsored Francis Hwang to attend the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) leadership development programme.
June 2015
The Club (with the support of the June Gray Charitable Trust) presented 93 dictionaries to the Year 4 students at Three Kings Primary School.
The Club donated $500 to the "Jammies in June" campaign. This was presented to David Kemeys from the Middlemore Health Foundation.
May 2015
The Club (with the support of the June Gray Charitable Trust) presented 100 dictionaries to Cecilia Gullery, Librarian at the Mt Eden Corrections Facility.
The Club donated $2,000 (with the support of a District 9920 matching grant) to Dave Smith, Smith & Henry Consulting Engineers towards the cost of relocating a junior playground to Lalomanu Primary School in Samoa.

March 2015
The Club delivered tables and tablecloths for the Mt Eden Village annual fete (and then collected them at the end of the fete) as a fundraiser.
The Club held a St Patrick's Day themed social night.
February 2015
The Club participated in Rotary Project Day via a Movie Night Fundraiser (The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel) with Epsom Rotary. Net proceeds went to Rotary Foundation and local community groups and causes.
December 2014
The Club held a sausage sizzle fundraiser at Bunnings.
November 2014
The Club held a sausage sizzle fundraiser at Bunnings
The Club held a Movie Night Fundraiser (St Vincent) with the net proceeds going to PolioPlus.
October 2014
The Club manned a promotional table in Mt Eden Village to raise club awareness and World Polio Day (25 Oct).
July 2014
The Club (with the support of the Rotary Club of Albany and the June Gray Charitable Trust) donated 100 dictionaries to Paremoremo Prison.
Anne Cooney recognised as a Paul Harris Fellow.
The Club received a Membership Development and Extension Award for 2013/14 through achieving the highest retention rate in District 9920 during 2013-14.
The Club presented proceeds from the Charity Art Auction fundraiser of $7,070 to Suzanne Estey (Spark Centre of Creative development). The Club organised and promoted the event. The New Zealand Fellowship of Artists donated the majority of the artworks and was represented by Margie Matson and Judith Wallath.

May 2014
Charity Art Auction in support of the Spark Centre of Creative Development held; a joint project with the New Zealand Fellowship of Artists (22 May).
The club (with the support of the June Gray Charitable Trust) donated 70 dictionaries to year 4-5 children at the May Road School.
March 2014
The Club delivered tables and tablecloths for the Mt Eden Village annual fete (and then collected them at the end of the fete) as a fundraiser.
November 2013
The club held a special meeting with a "Wine Tasting" event.
May 2013
Ursula Bach was awarded a District Paul Harris Fellow – which is a Rotary International award for exceptional service. As project manager, Ursula’s efforts were instrumental to the success of the Peace Dance Rock’N’Rotary “Flash Mob” held in February.
Nickola Horrocks undertook to distribute around 80 boxes of surplus donated "Buzzy Bee" stock. This stock was distributed to appropriate local Rotary Clubs and local charitable organisations and also overseas to the Pacific Islands Rotary Clubs (to pass on to children).
Club members and a number of volunteers organised by the club participated in a "Beef Tasting Survey" as a fundraiser.
April 2013
Mt Eden Rotary held a Charity Golf Tournament on 11 April at the Maungakeikei Golf Club, with support from Rotary Mt Roskill. The proceeds of our fundraising of approximately $5,000 were subsequently donated to the Middlemore Foundation's National Burns Unit, and to the Hearing House.
The Club delivered tables and tablecloths for the Mt Eden Village annual fete (and then collected them at the end of the fete) as a fundraiser.
The club completed removing an overgrown garden for an Onehunga resident - a project which we initially undertook in 2012.
We inducted Sarah Kedgley as a new member.
Feb 2013
World Understanding and Peace day on 23 February also marked Rotary’s 108th year of existence. Rotarians and clubs in District 9920 chose to celebrate the day in a uniquely Pacific way – with a Dance for Peace “D-9920 Rock’N’Rotary Ends Polio Builds Peace”. Mt Eden Rotary club member Ursula Bach was the District Dance for Peace Co-ordinator. The Auckland Flash Mob can be viewed at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DD7WYDdYjs The District 9920 Flash Mob (involving Auckland, Apia, Bora Bora, Moorea, Nukualofa, Raiatea Tahaa, Rarotonga, and Suva) can be viewed at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCUlaM3yrsA
The Club held a sausage sizzle fundraiser at Bunnings.
The club contributed $10,000 toward the rebuild of the Woodham Park playground in Christchurch (a post Christchurch-earthquake project). It was a real term effort with the Rotary Club of North Harbour also donated $14,000 and District 9920 donating $6,000.
The club came to the aid of an Onehunga resident - substantially clearing out her overgrown garden.
We inducted Nickola Horrocks as a new member.
In 2010, Mt Eden Rotary won the Polio Plus Challenge which was open to all Auckland-based District 9920 clubs. This was achieved by making the highest per capita PolioPlus contributions to the District Foundation Committee for the six-month period ended 31 May 2010. The prize money of $10,000 was subsequently donated towards the rebuild of the Woodham Park playground, in the aftermath of the Christchurch earthquake. (This prize money was only made possible through the very generous assistance of the late Past District Governor Ross Craig and the trustees of the Chenery Memorial Trust and the June Gray Charitable Trust).